

Semaglutide For Weight Loss

Semaglutide is a modified molecule our bodies make, called a GLP-1 analog. It works by increasing insulin production and lowers glucagon secretion as well as targets areas in the brain that regulate appetite and food intake. A small change in the molecule allows the drug to last weeks in our bodies rather than the natural version our bodies make, which lasts minutes. Originally used for diabetes and sold under the name Ozempic®. In June 2021, Wegovy, brand name Semaglutide, was FDA approved for weight loss. Semaglutide is a subcutaneous injection administered by our trained staff.





Semaglutide acts in the following ways:

  • Delays how quickly our stomachs digest food. Leading to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with smaller meal sizes.
  • Slows intestinal motility so you will feel fuller longer after meals.
  • Lowers blood sugars, in part by reducing the production of sugar in the liver.
  • Stimulates insulin secretion by the pancreas.

Benefits of Semaglutide

  • Decreased appetite and cravings
  • Weight loss
  • Improved blood glucose control

The most common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and/or constipation. This can be alleviated by cleaning up the diet and trying to eat unprocessed foods. Try and stay away from greasy and processed foods. A small amount of B12 is added to the Semaglutide to reduce nausea but we highly encourage a separate Super B Complex injection, that we call SuperMic, with every Semaglutide injection as this has reduced nausea more successfully. Patients also report acid reflux, stomach pain, and vomiting. The risk of serious side effects increases in patients with hypoglycemia, kidney problems, and/or a history of allergic reactions.

Semaglutide is injected once per week in the abdomen using tiny insulin syringes.

Our medical weight loss package includes a weekly visit for your injection, optional SuperMic, and a weigh in.

  • Each participant will get a Styku assessment at their first visit and one week post last injection.
  • Patients who purchase an Emsculpt Neo package with their Semaglutide Program will receive 10% off all Semaglutide and SuperMic injections.
  • Are you an Emsculpt Neo member? You will receive 15 % off
  • It is important for patients to stay on schedule. We allow patients to be 1 day early or 1 day late, but nothing more.

Patients with a history of pancreatitis, thyroid tumors, thyroid cancer or family history of thyroid cancers/tumors should not take semaglutide.
Patients with uncontrolled diabetes should not take semaglutide.

Recent medical labs will be required within 6 months, or when starting the program.

Super Mic (aka Mic Jagger)

This injection aids in weight loss, specifically when combined with Semaglutide.

  • Includes complex B vitamins
  • Is an excellent vitamin supplementation
  • Gives you a boost of energy
  • Includes Inositol, which influences the body's insulin response, and several hormones associated with mood and cognition